Wednesday, January 18

Web designing in the XXI century

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In the XXI century is absolutely imprencisdible have an Internet presence. All companies are aware of this need. Not all, unfortunately, use the Internet as a good sales tool and direct communication with the customer. Almost all companies have web, but not all are a good tool. Like many companies have a presence on social networks, but not all know how to manage them properly.

Focus on the web, for after twenty years of its creation would be expected that the design had reached a reasonable maturity, but nothing is further from the truth. The web has evolved since its creation in 1989 so that any web today has nothing to do with the primitive. This has made us care more for implementing technological advances in designing websites for optimal sites.

Any web design company has creative, programmers, some marketing specialists .... But very few have studied the web as a communication tool to design pages according to how our eye sees and our brain interprets them.

When we talk about "web design", we talk about graphic design applied to the web, to implement the corporate identity in this environment, but we worry that this design takes account of how we see the same page?. The web follow the criteria of brand manual is essential, yes, but have you ever wondered why some pages get bored with a great design and make the user is not interested in the content?. The answer, in many cases, it has not been taken into account how to distribute information and to write the text to make it interesting to the user.

Neuromarketing, thanks to eye-tracking, will help you make sites whose objective generate interest in the user to stay on the web and do not click the close button feared.

The eye-tracking studies the movement of the eye when we surf, providing the necessary information on how the user reads the Web. The key to a good eye-tracking study, allowing us to design a site "friendly" to our potential customer, is that the sample of users over which has made the study is representative and that the site or sites patterns adapt to ours as possible. It's not like the behavior (or expectations) that a user on a website of a newspaper than a shop, although it bears some resemblance.

Given the large amount of websites with similar content offerings really good designs, designing a site thinking not only in the corporate image in the content and functionality but also in how to distribute the content items and design so that the user is comfortable reading, make the difference between one of a number or a place of success. If your website needs sponsorship to survive, neuromarketing will help visitied number and to determine how to distribute advertising for our sponsors have the best return in the least affect the "usability" of the site.

Wednesday, January 4

To sell better

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So far we have discussed different aspects that neuromarketing help. For example to position different elements such as products, trademarks, ... But what about the sellers?, Can neuromarketing help sellers?, ... The answer is yes.

Sellers are, as we know, essential in the sales process. We can not study at a neurological level each person who the seller is going to visit, but we can give some general guidelines on how to act to communicate better than their competitors.

Before the visit, the seller must take care of business motivation and appearance. There are so-called mirror neurons, responsible, among others, empathy. If we come to the meeting with the client pessimistic and not predisposed to sell we will achieve our client select areas that promote the sale. Likewise, the seller's physical appearance is essential. First impressions are crucial and need to be good for the customer is receptive to the rest of the message.

The second step is to diagnose the customer's needs. We have the bad habit of selling our products ourselves saying why would buy that product and we are not all equal. It is essential to find what need fix our product. If we sell parcels is normal that our shipments arrive quickly, on time and in perfect condition. Talking with the client may find out that he hates to pack your products for shipping, if we have the capacity and means to do so, "eureka", we can offer as you get rid of their most hated activity: packing ... And we sent boxes.

The third step is precisely to offer our product as one that covers the need identified. In the example above, once we found out that the client hated packing we offer as "packers" that send goods. In this way we position ourselves as those who will happily free from one of their most hated activities. In this case is secondary to the shipment will arrive on time and in perfect condition. Everyone does it.

When the customer hears a self-centered message does so much more receptive than in other cases.

It is important to note that if the quantifiable benefits we offer is much more effective to offer and quantified. For example, it is much more effective to say: "With our product you will get a 15% improvement in profits" that "will make important improvements in their benefits."