Wednesday, November 21

brands: have to be empathic?

Versión en español, pulse aquí

Says the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy that empathy is the "mental and emotional identification of a subject with the mood of another."

Thanks to mirror neurons, people are empathetic. That is nothing that we say to "step into the shoes of another". Feel what the other is feeling, albeit to a lower degree. Understand the other person emotionally, because to understand the rational in his words and just need our ear.

Empathy gives us what is missing ear. Thus, colloquially, I call mirror neurons "sixth sense". Because with them we feel within us the emotional part that speaks. Thanks to them we can understand the human being in its fullness. Words can have many meanings. Deduce which of them is the context. An essential part of that context is the feeling you want to convey who utters them.

Recently, in another post, we conclude that the marks needs to be emotional. But a brand can it be empathic?. Based on the definition that the dictionary could not understand. It clearly says "... of a subject with the mood of another." So it's something between people.

Some people ... What is a company?. Not a company a group of people?. Until relatively recently, there was a tendency to dehumanize companies. So that was something of a corporation as an entity whose purpose was to make money. The bodies were already for scary movies. Today a company is identified with an entity, also terrifies the consumer. Companies are groups of people working to cover in the form of product or service, the needs of others that we call market.

The company that best connects with your market is the one that succeeds. That is the group of people who best understands the other group is the one who gets the upper hand. Because it makes products and services for what they want and need. And if that connection is mutual, the market has a high degree of loyalty to the company that provides ... Conversely, the company must also be faithful to its market.

We are talking, then, that a group of people have to connect with another. They must understand perfectly and is reciprocal. And people to be well understood, have said they need to do, also, with the "sixth sense". Therefore a company, necessarily, if you want to do more than survive selling off, empathize with your market needs. Displayed as a connected group of people with people. Companies need to be empathic.

And brands?. A brand is not just a means of communication. The way companies do reach their customers and prospects what they are. And when I speak of what they are, I mean covering needs with its products, but also what they feel as individuals. If communication between people is essential to empathy and brands are a means of communication between people and companies, and brands have to be, by necessity, empathic.

Those brands that are just a nice way, but their substance, not empathize with your market, are only traces. A brand is an attention getter, which connects the customer how are the people behind it. Being told to feel those forming the corporation (or product) that identifies them. Take the first step in establishing a link between them at first. Then is the symbol that keeps the relationship. A brand is an experience of values, sensations and feelings. And as such, if not empathize, can not achieve their purpose.

In the XXI century mark if not empathize with your market is not brand. Likewise, if a company does not empathize with their customers is not company, is a being empty.

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