Wednesday, February 27

Subliminal Advertising Myth or Reality?

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Everyone, we are dedicated to the marketing and those not, we ever heard of subliminal advertising.

Commercials in which, supposedly, are introduced to the viewer perceives messages unconsciously and inviting you to consume a certain product. Buyer consume these items and never becomes aware of who or what has prompted it.

Subliminal advertising is on everyone's lips since the sixties. Some even confuse neuromarketing with such advertising or studies how.

Nothing is further from the truth. The neuromarketing studies not subliminal advertising, among other things, because this type of advertising there is a myth.

In the 60s, J. McDonald Vicary said he entered, subliminally, the phrases "eat popcorn" and "Drink Coke" during the broadcast of a film. Supposedly, as reported, increased sales of both products during the broadcast. Almost 20% of popcorn and more than 50% of the soda said.

The impact of this news was such that the U.S. government banned the practice. Even in Spain is prohibited by the General Advertising Act.

In 1962 McDonald himself acknowledged that it was all a setup and the data shown were handling. Were false. Those messages never inserted in the issue of the film. But the legend ran so fast that the reality went unnoticed.It is true that, to date, no one has shown that it can achieve an increase in consumption with subliminal advertising. But neither has shown otherwise. That is, we have no scientific evidence that subliminal advertising works. But we have no empirical. That is, in the experiments conducted and reported to date, none has been shown that introducing subliminal messages increases consumption.

What it is true is that many people think is possible, even brands that use it. Ignoring that, even though not proven fact, the law explicitly prohibits such practices.

And is that something is trying to send a subliminal message. And another thing that is perceived, albeit unconsciously. Let alone that can alter the behavior of an individual for these messages.

The reality is that subliminal advertising is another one of those myths and legends that are so widespread that make them look real.

As I mentioned once: the human will is so strong that it would try to bend it so difficult that, be achievable, the effort would be such that the effort would be employed unprofitable. In the time spent to sell a unit to someone who does not want to, we could sell thousands to those that they want and are attracted to the product.

Neuromarketing and any other area of marketing aims to bring products to potential consumers. Not become consumers who neither want our products or need us. Which makes no sense. Well, as just discussed, if the client does not want to buy the best for the seller is not interested in selling.

Wednesday, February 13

Neuromarketing and happiness

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Happiness: Something you crave since man is man. Happiness: Something that is defined in the dictionary, but you can not define neuroscientists.

Whether we know define a neurological level or not, what we do is clear is that happiness is something coveted. Everyone wants to be happy. It is also somewhat limited. Everyone wants, but few ever be. Moreover, even questions that declares who is really happy. Well, some argue that there is no full happiness, which gives the happiness of a mystery.

In these times in which we live in the information content of each seems to go a bit more than we think is happiness, happiness is something even more desirable if possible.

The brands they know and some, such as Coca-Cola, quite rightly have become true ambassadors of happiness. So while aligning their values with those of precious state gets reinforce pass two values she shares: mysterious and pleasant.

And that is to make your brand, your product, your company becomes desired need not be associated with being happy. Among other things because it will be difficult to dislodge from the post to the popular soft drink brand.

There is nothing that our brain likes more than something that everyone believes is nice (even if you think I do not). Well yes, yes you are: something small. Because if you have it makes you feel unique. If there are many seats to check the availability of a flight nothing happens. If suddenly there are few, then a seat becomes valued. Why gold is worth what it's worth?

However, I must correct my last statement about "taste" of our brain. If there is something that appeals to this more than something nice or something limited or exclusive: a mystery. It is superior to us, we are discoverers innate. We love the mystery. But the unsolved mysteries. When we resolve to lose all interest. If tomorrow we discover what happens in the Bermuda Triangle, ships disappear less and less people, as most are myths that we like to give you generate more mystery to the matter.

They are given in the happiness, all the factors to make something very precious: It is desired and scarce, which makes it unique. But also nice and mysterious (some say it is unreachable or does not exist). Anything that gets gather these factors, be it happiness or be it brand becomes highly valued thing.

Maybe now, after these factors understand why Coca-Cola's success continues. It has been over a hundred years and still works. How is this possible? If times have changed, the context has changed, knowledge has changed, and still at the top.

Much has changed, but has never abandoned exclusivity (no known equal), making it coveted. Everyone thinks it's nice to drink, so we felt valued when they see us with the red mark on her hand, but we like more Pepsi. And what does and be in the Top 1 is that it is mysterious. For no one except two people know how it is made ... Or so we are told.