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One of the many contributions of neuromarketing is to provide accurate market research.
It has always been a concern to know what customers think about a product. We need to know and then to modify it, thus, construct tailored to the needs of the target. The more accurate this research, we will provide more data on the tastes and needs of our market.
For years the surveys and, above all, the test panels have been the protagonists of such studies. The problem is that in these situations the customer is not always behave as they do then in reality.
The client on the evidence says what he likes or what you think at that time. But do not forget that we are living, social. We need the environment to live and the environment influences our lives.
That at the time when we do the survey or participate in a panel respond in a way, not to say that this will be fixed and unchanging for ever. In market research it is impossible to play all the personal and environmental circumstances of each of the participants.
Also adds a second factor that increases the uncertainty. Human beings are emotional. We move through emotions, impulses. The thrill of having something or feel that others know they have, we do purchase items that do not really need. We do this by looking for the mere impulse or social recognition.
The Neuromarketing can shed some light giving a little more accuracy to the investigation. This new discipline, marketing offers two tools to understand and measure the emotions and impulses.
I'm talking about functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI and electroencephalography, or EEG. Both to measure the activity of different parts of the brain of the person taking the test. The second, the EEG, combined with electrocardiogram (ECG) and electro-oculogram (EOG) to measure activity in the mind and its physiological reaction (increased heart rate), when through the EOG know that the subject has looked at the object we are studying.
Those tools are widely known in the medical world but in this case are not used to measure and detect disease. We use them to study healthy brains.
Thus the customer response, we added a new factor. His reaction to the stimulus of the product. Reaction is unconscious and that influences their purchase decision. Thus, we have more information to tailor our product to the needs of the target. To suit the needs conscious and unconscious.
The Neuromarketing provides world tools of neuroscience to help solve a mystery: what happens in the mind of the consumer. Essential key to understand their needs. The customer needs during the study, does not know tell us in words because they are unconscious reactions.
Neuromarketing is the application of neuroscience to the world of marketing. A discipline of neuroeconomics is not the way. Is here to stay.
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