Wednesday, April 11

The Neuromarketing in advertising

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As I said in previous articles neuromarketing provides tools to measure emotional stimulus in all areas of marketing. In advertising, off course too.

Using tools such as fMRI or EEG (discussed in my last post) and combined with eye-tracking measurement of heart rate and galvanic skin response (to measure sweating), we know much more precisely how viewers react to different stimuli commercials.

So, add or remove sheets prior to issuance of the notice itself. The media time is expensive. Knowing the effectiveness of the ad before the agencies will issue more productive and more effective campaigns. All thanks to neuromarketing.

One of the best known examples of neuromarketing in advertising is the famous announcement "balls" Sony Bravia.

Until then, Sony had launched several campaigns to differentiate the color of their TV over the competition. But with poor outcome. Was the announcement that after a collaboration with a neuromarketing lab which was the expected success.

In its realization using fMRI and EEG to measure reactions in the minds of viewers over time and know the impact they had on each plane. On the spot there is nothing to chance. Let's see it and comment, then the most interesting.

What paints a frog in?. The amphibian's image is not random. The lab studied the reaction of this ad with the background without it. It is perhaps the most emotional spot evokes. It's like they say "a real rush."

Two other "rush times" in the sequence. This is the first sequence (the city with the guitar sound) and the appearance of the word "color" with the slogan: "Like No Other" and television. Getting, well, Sony associate their brand with positive emotional stimuli differentiating attribute: color.

Another key to success of this announcement is music. I've said on other occasions the advantages of music by the strong character reminiscent of the hearing. Music, of course, the composer: José González.

If you look to capture the viewer's attention at all times in each sequence where balls are many, just one, to the center, color is not flat and you can see it rotating. This view focuses on the element that stands out from others, preventing the viewer is "red herring" the theme of the ad.

To do the study, the lab used the techniques described in a sample of 45 people.

The Neuromarketing contributes to improving productivity in the agencies, making them more effective in their campaigns. Science and marketing together to measure emotional stimulus, unthinkable before neuromarketing.
PS Here, for those who want to continue enjoying the famous ad from Sony, I leave the making off.
And the long version of the ad:

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