Wednesday, December 19

Impulse buying and neuromarketing

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The impulse purchase is a very high percentage in the usual basket. In commercial areas between 60% and 70% (depending on type) are unplanned purchases. In many sectors, such as vending, is practically the success or failure of a position.

These acquisitions that match also a need. But it is a rational, but emotional. You get the product because you feel the pressing obligation to buy. Want to experience what it feels like to have it or consume it now.

The lower the risk, the greater the likelihood of impulse purchase of a product. No impulse buying a car, unless their purchasing power is very high. In which case, the perceived risk is low.

How neuromarketing to study work on impulse buying?. Using EEG and eye tracking trying to measure what attracts emocionaly to a consumer to encourage impulse buying. It is not about forcing someone to buy something they do not want this or can not be profitable if it could. These products show the most appropriate way to attract those who do they want to buy.

Draws some conclusions from these studies:

First, the more prevalent emotion is easier to buy on impulse. Smell and hearing are senses with great evocative power. Well used to help maintain "the level of emotionality."

I commented before the buy button do not exist. There is no mechanism that can activate, and then we sell it or yes. But this kind of purchase if there are triggers. Factors favoring the boot process.

Why the slot machines while at rest emit lights and sounds?. They seek to be a trigger. And this, is transferable to other purchase?. Of course you do. If we leave out the scent of coffee around a vending machine of this type of product, the smell can be a trigger. Moreover, placing coffee aroma around the machine, observe (thanks to EEG) as the "reward area of the brain is active consumer with more intensity." This translates into an increased enjoyment of the product. And we've only released a scent, we have not altered the coffee.

But beware, there are also factors that can derail the sale. If we increase the price and approach the threshold of what a customer considers reasonable, the urge to purchase in most cases. We continue with the above example. If we increase the price of coffee to 3 € in an environment where you usually pay a maximum € 1.50, we noticed thanks to the eye-trackers and EEG how the customer is attracted by the location, the aroma and ilumnación, but not it takes to see the price. Gone is the emotion, rationality has made an appearance and ... Stopped process.

Do not just look for triggers. You must pay attention to those who can stop the process. Price is the most common these days. But the presentation or the shipping carton. We all love to find bargains, but not shabby products.

Make a deal breaker with those products whose packaging is damaged can be very harmful if not noticed that this is an "outlet". The customer not only stop the buying process. Remember also long offered products that are not in an optimal state. You will lose future sales. The client and that the recommendations made negative.

Getting through the senses, the client begins to enjoy the product before you purchase it is one of the most powerful triggers. Then you need to be very aware that nothing can stop it. Lastly (but not least) will not disappoint with the product so that the customer will enjoy it even more intensely.

Wednesday, December 5

What is the taste of your company?: The taste and Neuromarketing

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At other times we talked about the importance of scent marketing. Explaining how and why we can integrate it in brands and outlets. Ultimately, the importance of the sense of smell.

We also discussed the role of music and therefore ear. Of course, the view, the sense used in marketing. And how necessary it is to touch the products. In other words, the sense of touch. This means we have dedicated posts to, sight, touch, even when I call the sixth sense, but what about the fifth?.

Taste is also a very powerful sense and its use can help sell, but what we market is not edible.

We've all experienced some evocative power of taste. Who does not go to a particular restaurant by how well there made a recipe. One that we can eat in many places, but there knows there special. Who has not eaten after the passage of the years some cookies that taste reminds us that mom gave us as children. Or has missed the taste of the old, because everything before I knew better now (or so we think many times).

That evocative power, the power to transport us in time, making us relive sensations and feelings known, as also happens to smell, is the most interesting for companies and brands.

These low-quality candy that nobody wants, put on the table where it serves customers, not the most appropriate to achieve our purpose. But maybe, until now, did not think it could be a sales tool.

A commercial invites so seemingly innocent, to your prospect to a candy in his pocket. Coincidence?, Maybe. But it also might be doing brand. If the candy is unusual, it is a different flavor, quite possibly the commercial customer and remind the company that represents him. It may also be that the candy is especially good, but with a familiar flavor. O with hints of familiar flavors. Then, in addition, the client will remember when we taste something, but do not speak weeks with us.

The flavor that we choose must be in harmony with the rest of the experience that the customer want to live with us. Our corporate image, the smell of our brand, the music, the packaging of our products and flavors present in any part of the sales process, should be focused to be present in the customer's mind.

It does appear the first Google if the customer's mind are the last. The first help attract new sales, but the latter helps to build loyalty. Reaching the customer with the five senses helps the "Mental SEO".
And how I can find out what the client feels in your experience with me?. Applying neuromarketing to what I like to call "Corporate Experience" (a step beyond the simple shopping experience), as we have had in previous posts, we mind that positioning, even more effective.

Now that the Christmas season is approaching and everyone puts sweets dates to remember we are in Christmas, why not put other customers remember who we are, or what we do. Why not design one with neuromarketing Corporate Experience to help us be in the top 5, but in the customer's mind?.

Wednesday, November 21

brands: have to be empathic?

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Says the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy that empathy is the "mental and emotional identification of a subject with the mood of another."

Thanks to mirror neurons, people are empathetic. That is nothing that we say to "step into the shoes of another". Feel what the other is feeling, albeit to a lower degree. Understand the other person emotionally, because to understand the rational in his words and just need our ear.

Empathy gives us what is missing ear. Thus, colloquially, I call mirror neurons "sixth sense". Because with them we feel within us the emotional part that speaks. Thanks to them we can understand the human being in its fullness. Words can have many meanings. Deduce which of them is the context. An essential part of that context is the feeling you want to convey who utters them.

Recently, in another post, we conclude that the marks needs to be emotional. But a brand can it be empathic?. Based on the definition that the dictionary could not understand. It clearly says "... of a subject with the mood of another." So it's something between people.

Some people ... What is a company?. Not a company a group of people?. Until relatively recently, there was a tendency to dehumanize companies. So that was something of a corporation as an entity whose purpose was to make money. The bodies were already for scary movies. Today a company is identified with an entity, also terrifies the consumer. Companies are groups of people working to cover in the form of product or service, the needs of others that we call market.

The company that best connects with your market is the one that succeeds. That is the group of people who best understands the other group is the one who gets the upper hand. Because it makes products and services for what they want and need. And if that connection is mutual, the market has a high degree of loyalty to the company that provides ... Conversely, the company must also be faithful to its market.

We are talking, then, that a group of people have to connect with another. They must understand perfectly and is reciprocal. And people to be well understood, have said they need to do, also, with the "sixth sense". Therefore a company, necessarily, if you want to do more than survive selling off, empathize with your market needs. Displayed as a connected group of people with people. Companies need to be empathic.

And brands?. A brand is not just a means of communication. The way companies do reach their customers and prospects what they are. And when I speak of what they are, I mean covering needs with its products, but also what they feel as individuals. If communication between people is essential to empathy and brands are a means of communication between people and companies, and brands have to be, by necessity, empathic.

Those brands that are just a nice way, but their substance, not empathize with your market, are only traces. A brand is an attention getter, which connects the customer how are the people behind it. Being told to feel those forming the corporation (or product) that identifies them. Take the first step in establishing a link between them at first. Then is the symbol that keeps the relationship. A brand is an experience of values, sensations and feelings. And as such, if not empathize, can not achieve their purpose.

In the XXI century mark if not empathize with your market is not brand. Likewise, if a company does not empathize with their customers is not company, is a being empty.

Wednesday, November 7

What effect does the fear in buying?

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Who has not ever been afraid?. It is a natural feeling in us. In part has helped us survive as a species. Being afraid of what we believe can be dangerous, has made our natural curiosity about the unknown we put on too much risk.

Fear is a feeling as human as love or tenderness. But with a very different effect on our body. Who has not blindfolded when suddenly suspected gonna be bad in the horror film, really doing it out of sight of ...

And we love to love, we like to feel that love us, we feel good when we are comfortable, but fear ... Fear is the opposite. Paralyzes us, makes us alert, tells us that something can go wrong, but not always right. So, whenever you feel no fear what comes next is going to hurt us. Sometimes it is caused by uncertainty and ignorance.

Precisely the latter is the most frequently appears in the sale. In most cases there is a terrifying fear that still leaves us physically. But it is a feeling that we stop making the purchase process due to uncertainty.
Often it is fear of not knowing if the product really meets our needs and will hopefully have the utility. So to "return" the product is an effective sales tool. Makes this fear disappears.

But this is not always possible. Sometimes the characteristics or the cost of the product itself, make infeasible to eliminate this fear with the return. Normally you can not return a car, even who have not passed a fortnight or preserve the "proof of purchase". However, precisely these cases, the fear if we succeed or not to buy, is the protagonist in the final decision.

The sale can be decanted, perfectly provider side to eliminate or alleviate that fear in your prospect.
When it comes to these products "no return", it is essential to find out what the client's fears. To report how our product or service can help meet the needs of our target and thus mitigate that fear.

On many occasions we have discussed how neuromarketing can help create feelings and sensations detected. Fear is a feeling more. Apply neuromarketing in the sales process, can help you find what paralyzes the purchase in the minds of our target. So, knowing what really afraid. With this information we can create a shopping experience to help you deduce that you are not buying something unknown and therefore sensitive to provoke fear. But something known, that generates peace and satisfaction knowing that will meet your needs.

Wednesday, October 24

Neuromarketing in hotels

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In many previous posts I mentioned that neuromarketing has application in absolutely all sectors. I also talked once about neuromarketing applied to tourism. Today I would like to dig a little deeper into this sector and discuss neuromarketing applied to the hotel sector.

Sensations, perceptions are critical in any sales process. Take care at the facility where the customer happens too. But especially in the hotels is particularly important. What differentiates one from another hotel of similar characteristics and location? ... What the customer feels when it is hosted on.

The customer to return or recommend a hotel, will depend largely on what this feels when in its facilities, enjoying their services, but is simply a night.

How neuromarketing can help the hotel industry?. You can do this through several avenues.

The first, attracting customers seeking a particular feeling indirectly communicating it. If we look at our hotel the customer absolute relaxation, it is communicating with our brand with our website, how we deal with the customer, with no need to say that he is the protagonist. Using EEG and even eye-tracking, can help ensure that we are conquering our customers with a feeling. Not the same tell our customers will get to our hotel the absolute relaxation, which transmit relax just by seeing the image of our brand.

Second, the same techniques but applied to hotel facilities will make your customers, when they are living there, really, those values, those feelings ultimately that experience.

Indeed, not only the shopping experience applied to hotels, but with a twist. They can establish a conquest through the five senses, so we'll get a much more complete.

Conquer through sight, with our image and the decor of the rooms. With the ear, using music properly. With the smell, not get tired, but evoking what we seek. And of course, the taste. In hotels also eaten. If we design a menu according to the values we want to evoke, get a complete experience. And neuromarketing can also help here. Apply neuromarketing techniques to find out what our clients feel at certain flavors that our customers get a unique experience. While only the longer experience if they return to our site. This is the main goal of building a purchase experience. And in most cases do not have to start from scratch, can be achieved by modifying existing facilities without large investments.

As a prelude to the above, neuromarketing can help us identify what values reign our experience. I mean, what more valued sensations are evoked our target if our hotel.

The neuromarketing to build shopping experience is useful in any industry, but one much more like a hotel than what sells, really, are sensations.

Tuesday, October 9

Why not sell the ebook in Spain?

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We live in the digital age. A period in which we want to remove the paper. Air tickets are a number in an email. In the books we want to replace a screen. In toil away after millions on software to our company, we have something installed on something called server.

There is no doubt that it is much more convenient to have your boarding pass in an email, or to bring a book, always in your pocket without weighing or holding site. Practical yes, but do they make these innovations facilitate the sales of those products?.
 They sell many more airline tickets than before, but not by the format of the tickets are sold because prices are much more popular. Moreover, it is shown that suppression contributes to the physical ticket low-cost concept. Reinforcing much more the idea that we are buying something at a low price. But, what happens when we bought the ticket is not cheap. What happens when a book is about. Spanish legislation complicates the ebook is much cheaper than digital. What happens when you have a company paid a lot of money on software that we use but we do not know where he is.

A comprehensive study that neurologists, psychologists, anthropologists and marketers (which I have the honor of meeting), we shelled and analyzed the data he provided an EEG combined with an eye-tracker and a GSR, obtaining as a conclusion something we already knew intuitively, which claimed some studies in USA, but just wanted to know if it happened in Spain: The tangibility sells.

If you do not understand something, I hardly buy, but still helps to sell more power handling. We already knew this long ago and there is ample evidence, so we decided to focus on a new product that has not taken off and doing something that was intangible tangible: The eBook.

Some argued that the new format in Spain never took because the legislation does not allow it. Admittedly it quite difficult legal takeoff of this format. But the tangibility makes over 70% of the users of this new format in our country, try reading one traditional paper format whenever they have time. Practicality is the only reason that makes them consume eBook. Adherents of this format are not faithful. Why is that?.

The answer we found in our study. The book is one of the most potent stimuli for the imagination. When we read a book we automatically transported to another world, one that is only true in the story that tells the author. When we dove into account our brain is immersed in the new reality. When we read the book we return to that reality, but we found something curious. In a paper book, subjects were faster submerged in history that when they did the same book but in digital format.

Why?, Simple. When we have a book (traditional paper) in our hands, their touch, their smell, their colors, our brain helps you remember what you felt when you were reading. Do not forget that our brain is stimulated by the five senses. When the book is electronic we only visual stimulation, but also e-readers show all books with virtually the same, so our brain "costs more" remember how I felt when I read that story.

That's why I predict you still long live paper book. That's why I recommend to anyone who sells something intangible that tangibilice, it reaches the customer by the five senses. And coming from someone who was long obsessed suppress almost all hardware in the software, which is very convenient with little cost to the seller, but not conquered the buying, which is what ultimately gives us eating. From sages say that is correct and if it is neuroscience showing that I was wrong for years, all the more reason.

Wednesday, September 26

The Power of cheating

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All that we are dedicated to marketing, we never tire of saying that the brand communication with the client must be sincere. Our company must not promise what you can not deliver. Nor must promise to do something you can not feel. The reason we've been over sometime. When this experience is disappointed deception. Someone cheated never be a loyal customer. And not only that, but also drag with your negative recommendation to others.

However, we are tired of seeing some ads, called "teleshopping", give exaggerated information on the effects of their products and remain on the air for a long time. And they do it because they are still making sales. What keeps them in the limelight. Many users are still buying, even though they know they will not get the same result as seen in the spot. It is just the opposite of the sincerity of the marks. Why it works?.

The Journal of Marketing Research has the answer. The effect "attractiveness" of the property, called the attention of several researchers decided to study why they sold, even when he knew they were exaggerating.
For the study employed a group of twenty volunteers and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging). This system measured, in real time, the amount of blood that irrigates each brain area. If a particular area receives more blood in an instant, because you need more "food", as it is running. Thus, through this system, we can know, in real time, which areas of the brain are working at every moment.

Taught various ads (including the home shopping) and prepared to draw conclusions after fMRI readings.
They concluded that our brain reacts to that kind of publicity as when we detect a danger around us. That is, the more "misleading" is advertising, analyze it in more detail. Our brain knows you are trying to "cheat" and increase their level of analysis. So these ads attract attention. So continually issued and sold.
We could say that deception is a powerful attention getter, but a great enemy of loyalty. Customers attracted to these ads buy, but do not repeat your purchase. Could we use this strategy without compromising the sincerity of marks?. The answer is yes, using the ambiguity.

Before an ambiguous ad, which does not provide all the information our brain reacts exactly the same. As the information is incomplete, our brain functions to analyze and find out if we are trying to deceive or if, on the contrary, it is a good thing.

Do not give all the information, let the potential client to find out what it is is a powerful attention getter and is not detrimental to the loyalty. Instead, it creates expectations. And we know that when we create an expectation and overcome, the loyalty is one step, if not directly that is achieved.

Wednesday, September 12

Why brands need to be emotional?

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Lately,  people would often ask the same question: Really brands and companies have to be emotional?. Could it be simply that the emotional is fashionable?. I will try to answer the two questions in this post.

It is true that lately it seems that everything has to excite the customer. If it does not sell thrills, even claim. It is one of the strongest trends of marketing. But it is much more than a fad. It has a scientific basis.

Until recently, we thought that the man was a rational being. We believed that the reason, that sets us apart from other species, was the one who controlled all voluntary acts of our lives. However, something seemed to fit that thesis. We all happened before we've found two products, one above another in performance, but something has to tip the balance toward that rationally, was lower. Something that we can not explain, however has made that "we have been wearing." Remember the first iPhone smash?. iPhone was GPRS. Its direct competition was 3G. However it was sales leader. Or how many times to get home have said: Why I bought this?. Something that, rationally, not needed, but that mysteriously clings to our hand. Later we thousand reasons to justify that purchase to ourselves. But the reality is that we needed.

These examples and many others (not only in the world of marketing), suggested that the famous theory of being absolutely certain it was not as rational as we thought. Indeed, the ability to reason makes us different. It's an evolutionary advantage to our species that is found in the "newest" of our brain. So, which appeared later in the timeline of evolution. That leads us to one conclusion: we have been using the other parts of the brain for much longer. The reason, the rational influences in our lives, yes. But the non-rational, impulsive, instinctive, emotional, too. And much more strongly the latter. Why harder?, Because we, as a species, much longer using a brain without rational part with it. Do not know how to use our brain so that "the boss" is the reason. We have not learned yet.

Man is not rational, it's just a being that is capable of reasoning, but man moves irrational stimuli. We could say that the "emotional brain" is much stronger than "rational brain". This does not mean that the latter does not influence anything in our lives. If so, it would be meaningless existence. But you will agree with me that it is much stronger emotional. What happens when the team loses a big fan?. If the rational dominate, surely it would save a great hard time, but not, we can emotion. What heartbreak?, Rationally there are many people we fall in love, there's no reason malratos. However, the emotional can. Had bad because that person has left us of that, emotionally, we were in love and we do not attend to reason.

Marketing aims to bring companies to their markets. He tells companies what their customers need and then give it as a product, at the same time disclosing these to your potential market. That is, marketing is responsible for the customer-company relationship will be fruitful for both. If customers and businesses are people and people are more emotional than rational, does not it make more sense that the marks are just so emotional?.

That's why that emotion is not fashionable, it is the language of man. The Neuromarketing handles precisely applying marketing knowledge that brings neuroscience. The neurosciences are those that have shown that man is emotional. Neuromarketing is responsible that brands start talking over emotions and less of reasons.

Wednesday, August 29

The power of simplicity

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Our brain is the organ of our body consumes more oxygen. More than 20% of what we breathe is used to feed him.

In the technological revolution in which we live, we understand very well the importance of saving energy.What wrong when your smartphone battery does not last the whole day! Right?. When this happens, the best solution is to see what are the applications that consume and then consider whether they need to be running all day. If not, the disable and so we reduce consumption.

Something similar happens with our brain. As the body requires more energy, have a permanent "power saving mode". By having a very complex activity, requires "a lot of battery", but also tries to save all you can.

Our body gets energy through various processes that take place in our cells, for which it needs oxygen. Therefore, the brain is "a major consumer of oxygen." If we did not have that "savings mode", we would need a lot. So we would have to reduce other functions, or increase the amount you get through the respiratory system.

So how easy, simple, easy to understand what is, what little oxygen needs to be processed, and we like attracts us. If two devices perform the same function, but one is much easier to use, we prefer this. Although other more complete, simplicity attracts saves energy because our body.

And the simple attraction applies to everything. Not only to use easier, we also like to look more simple, because we understand with less effort and therefore less energy requirement.

Good teachers are those who are able to make complex concepts simple, that is, those that facilitate us to understand the idea with less consumption.

The success of Apple, are due to put in the hands of users complex tools with multiple functions, but extremely simple to use.

The best advertising campaigns, they do get the message more directly without having to think too much.
Conversely, when we see concepts and processes that seem complex, we flee from them. It is therefore important that the products, besides being simple in appearance. Our brain makes a first quick scan "at a glance". Behind him, "decided" that if you want simple and, on the contrary, it will reject if it seems complicated. Learning something that at first seems difficult is, first of all, do battle with ourselves, against our own brain.

Ideas, products, communication, everything has to be simple and also have to look for it is thus able to leverage our mindset which saves energy.

Wednesday, August 15

The best sales tool

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It involves over thirty muscles in face, trunk and abdomen. Improves breathing, increased heart rate and blood pressure. Decreases the concentration of cortisol (stress hormone). Increases of endorphins, as a result increases the will to live and reduces pain. All with a single act, ... I'm talking about laughter.

but besides these great effects on our body, does the laughter role in sales?. Yes, of course.

Advertisers are well aware of the positive effects of this great tool, as they have proven, without quite knowing why, how humorous campaigns have had better results than the more serious. Neuroscience and neuromarketing discovered the effects noted in the first paragraph later.

Although these have been the pioneers in commercial use are not the only ones called to use them. Bring a smile to the customer, the potential buyer increases the probability of purchase. Why?.

As I said, laughter releases endorphins. These are, among other things, responsible for "increasing the connection between individuals' ability to improve our readiness to be attentive to what they tell us and help" fix "knowledge. Dopamine is also present, and highly responsible character of love in our species. Therefore, a commercial that make your customers laugh naturally, is much more likely to sell than the most serious.

I knew a trainer insurance salesmen who said they had to sell serious, because the insurance world was something that did not produce laughter. Coincidences of life that when this was replaced by one of these people who have a natural gift for making people laugh, sales people who prepared increased by over 40%, because she was able to motivate more than above.

Both to motivate salespeople, and the individual customer, no doubt, the best tool there is laughter. Some people have easy to provoke and who not. Although the latter today, thanks to new technologies is less severe. Internet is full of videos, jokes and funny situations to teach our clients.

What a coincidence, right?, One of the topics on the Internet is more humor. Videos, stories, jokes, why?. Because laughter is addictive. We love to laugh and want more and more and more. Disclose why funny situations, reasons for others laugh, laughing is a vice, healthy, but vice.

If your client has one of those days in a bad mood, escape is a sale impossible. Unless you have the gift of speaking before.

When making a sales call, a product presentation or an advertising campaign, before thinking about the product or on the advantages this will bring to the customer, think about how you can make you laugh, your sales will increase exponentially with a smile.

Follow me on Twitter: @joseruizpardo

Wednesday, August 1

Kiss and engagement on the client

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Few things are as desired, rather, as a long-awaited first kiss. It is not the contact itself that causes us to desire to have our lips on the other person, is what we feel in the moments before. The anxiety of the first time, how kiss?, I like it?, Kiss as your eyes say?, A thousand questions that have hovered in our heads, sometimes days or even months, are crowded in the seconds before the pulse quickens, at which time we live in another world, another reality. What provokes you that state is curiosity, not the kiss. Who has not done that once it's time did not like and loses all interest?. Expectations have not been overcome and the run was better than later, in many cases, will not return.

Product-customer relationship is a kiss from manufacturer to consumer. It's not just the usefulness of the product are the moments before having it, it's time to open the package and see inside the box, is the first time that the product is in their hands. The packaging and product presentation are responsible for that something becomes useful also desired.

During my years in the computer industry have had in my hands many boxes of product, I opened, I have shown, but never felt much desire to own one like the first time I opened the box of an iPad. The ritual, form, position paper, the smell ... Apple knows very well to live experiences. Not the kiss, are the moments before ... Not the product is the desire to have one. There is no better kiss than the one for before you arrive, there is no greater loyalty than that provokes desire. Who has not been broken child and the gift wrap can not wait to open it slowly?.

Whether the product is solid, liquid or gas, the packaging is just as protagonist. Especially if it can be touching something that is not. Our mind likes to know how things really are than you think.

In these difficult times sales, many companies are launching the online channel to increase portfolio. Their product, which was previously sold at a neighborhood store is now sold throughout the country or even worldwide. Orders arrive, get into any box, albeit with much cork to prevent breakage and are delivered to the courier. Just started a kiss without moments before, without enjoyment, all fast, not the packaging care.
Internet has a problem with respect to the other channels: the product can not be touched. But it has a great advantage, the purchase is not immediate, it takes on the best one day, so they are much more desired. At the time we receive the order confirmation email and we look forward to the messenger call the front door.
If we care how our product reaches the customer, packaging, get to be even more desirable, increasing the likelihood of new purchase. No matter what you sell is solid, liquid or gas, the important thing is not only to arrive in good condition, but what consumers feel before opening.

Design experience in receiving product will increase engagement, the level of enthusiasm and thus, the degree of customer loyalty. Neuromarketing has tools to design an experience for the customer to live the feelings and emotions that the manufacturer or distributor has planned.

While we should not forget that as a bad kiss shatters all previous moments (and perhaps future) a bad product will do the same with the preliminaries to use.

Wednesday, July 18

Anthropology of trademarks or understand consumer behavior

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Understand how man relates with his environment is fundamental to understanding how it should be the relationship between brands and people. Companies are only one element in our environment.

Man is by nature, curious. Want to learn. It is pure survival instinct of the species. Find out more around us allows us to better prevent and defend against threats. Therefore, the new, the unknown attracts us.

When something unexpected happens, we quickly huddled around to see what happened. The many road accidents, the cause of which has been a major accident is not the first crash, but the decrease in the rate of those who went back to see what happened. Are typical scenes of the movies in which people around an area where there has been a tragedy and the police try to clear the congestion, scenes that reflect reality.
Naughty say some, but more than that is survival instinct. We were attracted by the unfortunate event to learn and so we try not happen to us.

With the relationship between people, something curious happens. We attract new people, yes, but we like being with people who are similar to us. We were attracted by strangers, but when we approached them we began to unconsciously associations to classify the new acquaintance. As we confirmed our assumptions that person wins or loses interest for us as far as it coincides roughly with the way we are. If we like the self-assertion, look people we discuss and try to get over it. If we do not like to argue, the other person will lose interest as they discover that does not match our thinking.

The company-customer relationship is exactly like the relationship between individuals. Companies are made up of people and products marketed cover human needs. So when we see a brand we are attracted to them when they are unknown. When we discovered what the product or the company they represent, we began to classify and arouse more interest or lose everything, to the extent that this classification agrees or not with our way of being and the product covers or not our needs.

So there are brands that "we like" and other "we dislike." Sometimes we consume a product because it is the only to us, but we are not comfortable with him. And maybe perfectly fulfills its function, but what it communicates your brand is contrary to our way of being. We do not like. It's like that coworker who can not stand, but we have to live with it, necessarily, on a day to day.

It is important when designing a brand, be clear to whom it is addressed, what personality traits we want to evoke feelings and what we want to achieve. Neuromarketing can help achieve our goal, making sure that really evokes the intended.

It is also important to know that, like every one of us likes us to everyone else, our brand will be detractors within our market potential. People who do not sit well. It is therefore essential to know the target and, in defining the personality traits of the brand, try to find features common to most people who make up our target market. Still, one must assume that our brand is not going down well at all, so our goal will never be 100% of our potential market.

Wednesday, July 4

The Neuromarketing in tourism

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The neuromarketing has applications in absolutely all areas. Tourism is one of the most powerful in the economies of many countries, and one in which the neuromarketing can contribute a lot.

When a city sells its beaches or its gastronomy, in fact, is selling what the tourists feel to soak up the sun, drinking cool water, or enjoy the typical food of the area. And of course, nothing like the neuromarketing to measure emotions, is one of its purposes.

Other times I have spoken of neuromarketing in advertising campaigns. Well we can apply these to see if we are communicating the feelings we want. But in this post, I would like to focus on another important aspect that neuromarketing can help tourism.

In addition to ensure that our communication campaigns are effective, neuromarketing can help identify what feel our tourists. Those positive feelings will be those living then communicate through our campaigns.

It's about being more effective. So far, those responsible for tourism campaigns, the designing based on what they thought, felt the tourist. The Neuromarketing can help identify those feelings that tourists feel real truth in a certain place, a city, a beach, a restaurant.

Studies using neuromarketing techniques applied to a representative sample, allow it to identify the sensations and feelings associated with a tourist experience. After defining the experienced positive values, is designed communication campaigns around them, and check that they really are these and not others, the values being transmitted.

This methodology is applicable not only to a city, also to a particular establishment. A hotel, restaurant, entertainment complex even a train or plane, may be subject to them.

Furthermore, once identified the sensations experienced in the area studied, we can introduce elements that enhance them. So, Bernd Reutermann, founder of Mindness Hotel, introduced in hotels humorous details in the toilets or "hugging pillow" in their armchairs. Identified that almost all clients traveling alone and was using humor to alleviate "the solitude of the business traveler."

Although there is much to contribute to the tourism sector, this is still anchored in traditional patterns of marketing and has not taken advantage of the benefits of neuromarketing to offer. But yes, those places that have decided to implement it, have marked difference from the others.

Wednesday, June 20

Communicate effectively thanks to Neuromarketing

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Both the tools and the methodology used neuromarketing has many applications. Study the effectiveness of commercials, the websites, or merchandising, are some of the already discussed in this blog. You can also apply, perfectamete, the shopping experience or even the communication skills of people.
 Oratory and the ability to present ideas in public is something that worries the man in a while. Greeks and Romans studied and taught this art. After them, many media experts have studied how to effectively communicate messages with the word and nonverbal language.
 Neuromarketing also has tools to help in these competitions. The same techniques we use to analyze and test the effect produced by a particular image viewer, we can apply them to the audience of a speaker, even the speaker himself.

Thus, we know if this is producing the desired effect, ie, its message is not only being heard but that is thrilling the listener, so much that makes living in your mind is telling the story.

Applying these techniques on the speaker and see the effects they produce in the present, we can train more effectively the first to get exciting the second.

There are numerous methods to train this ability and numerous authors over the years, have been studied. Today, neuromarketing that provides tools for more effective training.

Thanks to these techniques, we can check if a message is bringing joy, sadness, rejection, is reminding or build a mental picture of what is being told. We can also consider whether he, with his non-verbal is expressing what they say their words.

Thus, by comparing the measurements of these tools on the speaker and the audience, we can work on those skills that are not being as effective as we should.

The oral presentation, today, remains an essential tool for communicating marketing. They do daily business, marketing managers, sales managers and anyone in front of an audience, more or less numerous, have to praise the advantages of the solution presented. The neuromarketing offers coaches and trainers in this field tools that will make their work more effective.

Wednesday, June 6

To sell and loyalty

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With the post "To sell better", I began a series aimed at the hard work of the trade mission. I continued: "Sell head" and "Sell with heart" in them spoke of the moments before the first visit with the client.

Today I add a new one. With this, I would like to clarify a concept essential to make effective sales calls.

There is much talk of loyalty and loyal customer. But ... What does that mean?. A loyal customer is one who consumes our product or brand (or service) of a continuous basis. It costs a lot to a customer, which is much more interesting to sell many times a loyal customer, to do new customers. So far, nothing new.

But ... What has to happen for a client to become faithful?. Loyalty is an emotional bond between the customer and the brand that offers the product or service. We stopped being just customers and become faithful when more than the functionality of the product itself unites us. Loyalty is something you feel.
Why would anyone eat always a particular toothpaste?, There are many on the market ... So feel to it. Or their property, or his color, no taste, so they feel when they are brushing their teeth with it.

When we consume a product that we have loyal brand, our brain acts much like when we fell in love with someone else. But it is an inert object, lifeless, but is the same. When we fell in love with someone, do not attend to reason, we like to be with that person so that makes us feel. When we are faithful to a brand, we are by what we feel when we consume when we bought it. It does not matter whether or not the best in the market, is the brand that "we love".

When we first business visit to a client, this probably does not know anything about the product or brand, or price. We are the ones who are going to talk about it all. But not with our words. Let's do it with our actions, our speech, dress, with the degree of conviction we show when talking about what we sell. If in addition to selling, we have loyal customers, we must take into account many factors that the simple product or a visit.

So we had to spend time preparing for the visit. So we learned things from our customers, so sell not to count things go. You get to create links.

Loyalty is not achieved in one visit, but the first will set all the others. Our brain is lazy by nature, can’t remember everything. We receive so much information every day, every minute, every second, not "have room" to remember everything. Our brain remembers better the beginning and end of everything you store.

The first visit is key, is part of the principle of customer relations. The first part of the first visit will mark all the others. Will it make us to fall into oblivion or that the client is raised to do business with us.

When a couple is looking for the first time in a disco, are deciding if your relationship is a simple look or something else. When we first came to see the client, we determine if we will ever buy, always or none. Of course it depends on other factors to be discussed, but the first moments will be decisive.

As I said, rightly, the announcement, the first impression remains, but what can we cause it?. Undoubtedly the best way is with a smile. The laughter and smiling interesting activate mechanisms which I will discuss in the next post in the series.

Wednesday, May 23

The shopping experience inside the company: the emotional salary

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When we talk about neuromarketing we think of the relationship between customer and company. But the truth is that it also has application within the organization itself, in what is often called internal customers.

Without entering into controversy over definitions of this term, I usually say that all members of the company are internal customers of other members who, in turn, so are others. That is, each and every one of that make a company are.

In my last post, I introduced the term: Shopping Experience, as the experience (positive or not) that a customer experiences with the company you purchase products or services, through all sales channels. This practice serves to distinguish one from another supplier and, therefore, to loyalty (if positive).

Well, this experience is not only between client-company. Also occurs between internal customers within the organization.

The Shopping Experience evokes the buyer values, which are those of the organization brand. If they already live among members of the corporation, will be much easier to let them reach customers.

I said that the shopping experience helped retain consumers, creating an emotional connection between them, but what the internal customer?, Do you also loyalty, is it necessary that loyalty?.

Yes is the answer to all three questions. We live a hard time doing that companies can not use the same tool they used years ago to loyalty employees. I'm talking about salary. Just four or five years, we saw how, given the scarcity of candidates, companies start offering high salaries for other employees and, in turn, try to remain in their own as long as possible.

Today there is no budget to maintain this practice but also know that just as the price is not a good tool for sales loyalty, neither is the salary for employees.

There is always someone who will sell cheaper than you. Someone will offer you the person you do not want to leave, rather than what you can offer. So what to do to loyalty employees?.

So we do to retain customers. If the Buying Experience helps create an emotional bond that is responsible for the loyalty, the emotional bond between employer-employee is also a powerful tool to help maintain this.

This is what some are calling "emotional salary". This is just the set of relationships and experiences that each member of the organization has with the rest. There will always be another company that can offer more money to an employee, but what he lives within the same with his companions, with the team, with its connection with the project, with the values of the brand with customers, is unique and unique (for better or for worse, in this case).

The Shopping Experience, start to live within the organization not only come faster to the customer, but will loyalty the members of this with the company.

Wednesday, May 9

Shopping experience: key to selling and loyalty

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Merchandising is the part of marketing that will optimize the placement of the articles in the shopping areas to facilitate and encourage the act of purchase.

The cash and carry type surfaces, the placement of items is critical to business success. Neuromarketing aims to measure the reaction of buyers in various commercial distributions to deduce, so what is the best.

In this case EEG is often used in combination with eye-tracking. The second tracks the eye movement, while the first measure which areas are activated in the brain of the potential buyer.

So with the union of these two techniques, we know what happens at the buyer's mind when looking at a particular location.

Of course, everyone is different. Make a study of this type with a single individual implies that the findings may not apply to an entire market. So choose a representative sample of the target remains key in such studies.

It is also important, get the person who participated in the test to behave naturally. That is, their behavior does not influence the knowledge that is participating in a test. This is one of the biggest challenges currently for neuromarketing. Changes are needed to improve both the systems used as in the protocols.

However, despite the difficulties discussed above, we are now able to offer studies whose findings are closer to reality than those obtained without the use of neuromarketing, thanks to a combination of techniques that I mentioned above.

But only not the location of items affect sales. Also the environment. Currently there is a trend of neuromarketing study with the combination of product placement, lighting and music retail space at the point of sale.

The current marketing attempts to reach the customer through every way possible. Thanks to these studies, conclusions are obtained as follows:

- Lighting plays a key role. So the same product, in the same location, has become more attractive if the light incident on the area where it is located. Not directly about the product. Playing with lighting can get that cold areas cease to be and become hot.

- Music influences act of purchasing. So there are musical styles that help sell products. Maintaining placement and lighting and changing the music, we see how we tend to buy certain products as we are hearing.

Placement is important, yes, but not the only thing that must be taken into account to ensure that the client live shopping experience. To this we must combine music, lighting and corporate values. Also flavors.

In next post will deal with more depth how to combine these elements, including other flavorings, to get buyers to live a unique shopping experience.

Is it possible to differentiate exactly selling the same products than the competition?. Of course it can. If we can get our customers a unique experience with the purchase, they will come to us attracted to it. The shopping experience is even more important than the product itself. The same product can be sold elsewhere, but what the buyer lives in our facilities is unique and characteristic of ours, for better or for worse.

Designing a proper shopping experience to our target and succeed still selling as well as others, are two roads that run parallel.

Wednesday, April 25

The purchase button does not exist: demystifying the neuromarketing

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After many articles explaining what is neuromarketing and what contributes to different fields of marketing world, I think it's time to explain what its not neuromarketing.

Everything new has a lot of myths around fueled by fear of the unknown. Neuromarketing is a new and unfamiliar. Neuromarketing is a generator of myths and legends.

Some forums even maintains that neuromarketing intends to sell against the will of the buyer or looking like forcing us to buy through the unconscious.

Anyone who thinks we're going to give you the magic formula to sell anything to anyone, even against their will, this is not possible.

Neuromarketing, as seen in previous articles, which makes is to apply knowledge gained from neuroscience to marketing. Does neuromarketing relationship with the unconscious?. Yes, neuromarketing and much of our daily activity depends on our unconscious. But one thing is to study nonconscious processes to better understand human behavior (the purchase is a behavior) and quite another to manipulate the individual from the unconscious to force a conscious act.

You can not control people and force them to something they do not want. At most (and there are a lot of myths about it) through hiponosis sophrology and behaviors can be induced, but obviously no marketing action hypnotize anyone.

The neuromarketing study human behavior in the purchase. Measure the response to stimuli such action to better understand and apply the findings to make marketing more effective. To create shopping experiences. But neither manipulates nor obliged nor will it is impossible.

Neuromarketing is a science, new, yes, but science. Born from the application of neuroscience to economics (neuroeconomics). Study habits, behaviors measured. As neuroscience studying reactions in our brain with techniques of the health sector. But one thing is to study the brain and other handling. Study it is possible and brings new insights to make better and more effective marketing. The latter can not.

So, as I said in the title, sorry to say that the buy button, that method in order to sell at all costs, even against the will of the buyer, it is has not been discovered yet, is that not going to find because you can not find something that does not exist.

Wednesday, April 11

The Neuromarketing in advertising

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As I said in previous articles neuromarketing provides tools to measure emotional stimulus in all areas of marketing. In advertising, off course too.

Using tools such as fMRI or EEG (discussed in my last post) and combined with eye-tracking measurement of heart rate and galvanic skin response (to measure sweating), we know much more precisely how viewers react to different stimuli commercials.

So, add or remove sheets prior to issuance of the notice itself. The media time is expensive. Knowing the effectiveness of the ad before the agencies will issue more productive and more effective campaigns. All thanks to neuromarketing.

One of the best known examples of neuromarketing in advertising is the famous announcement "balls" Sony Bravia.

Until then, Sony had launched several campaigns to differentiate the color of their TV over the competition. But with poor outcome. Was the announcement that after a collaboration with a neuromarketing lab which was the expected success.

In its realization using fMRI and EEG to measure reactions in the minds of viewers over time and know the impact they had on each plane. On the spot there is nothing to chance. Let's see it and comment, then the most interesting.

What paints a frog in?. The amphibian's image is not random. The lab studied the reaction of this ad with the background without it. It is perhaps the most emotional spot evokes. It's like they say "a real rush."

Two other "rush times" in the sequence. This is the first sequence (the city with the guitar sound) and the appearance of the word "color" with the slogan: "Like No Other" and television. Getting, well, Sony associate their brand with positive emotional stimuli differentiating attribute: color.

Another key to success of this announcement is music. I've said on other occasions the advantages of music by the strong character reminiscent of the hearing. Music, of course, the composer: José González.

If you look to capture the viewer's attention at all times in each sequence where balls are many, just one, to the center, color is not flat and you can see it rotating. This view focuses on the element that stands out from others, preventing the viewer is "red herring" the theme of the ad.

To do the study, the lab used the techniques described in a sample of 45 people.

The Neuromarketing contributes to improving productivity in the agencies, making them more effective in their campaigns. Science and marketing together to measure emotional stimulus, unthinkable before neuromarketing.
PS Here, for those who want to continue enjoying the famous ad from Sony, I leave the making off.
And the long version of the ad:

Wednesday, March 28

Discovering the mind of the consumer.

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One of the many contributions of neuromarketing is to provide accurate market research.
It has always been a concern to know what customers think about a product. We need to know and then to modify it, thus, construct tailored to the needs of the target. The more accurate this research, we will provide more data on the tastes and needs of our market.

For years the surveys and, above all, the test panels have been the protagonists of such studies. The problem is that in these situations the customer is not always behave as they do then in reality.
The client on the evidence says what he likes or what you think at that time. But do not forget that we are living, social. We need the environment to live and the environment influences our lives.
That at the time when we do the survey or participate in a panel respond in a way, not to say that this will be fixed and unchanging for ever. In market research it is impossible to play all the personal and environmental circumstances of each of the participants.

Also adds a second factor that increases the uncertainty. Human beings are emotional. We move through emotions, impulses. The thrill of having something or feel that others know they have, we do purchase items that do not really need. We do this by looking for the mere impulse or social recognition.

The Neuromarketing can shed some light giving a little more accuracy to the investigation. This new discipline, marketing offers two tools to understand and measure the emotions and impulses.
I'm talking about functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI and electroencephalography, or EEG. Both to measure the activity of different parts of the brain of the person taking the test. The second, the EEG, combined with electrocardiogram (ECG) and electro-oculogram (EOG) to measure activity in the mind and its physiological reaction (increased heart rate), when through the EOG know that the subject has looked at the object we are studying.

Those tools are widely known in the medical world but in this case are not used to measure and detect disease. We use them to study healthy brains.

Thus the customer response, we added a new factor. His reaction to the stimulus of the product. Reaction is unconscious and that influences their purchase decision. Thus, we have more information to tailor our product to the needs of the target. To suit the needs conscious and unconscious.
The Neuromarketing provides world tools of neuroscience to help solve a mystery: what happens in the mind of the consumer. Essential key to understand their needs. The customer needs during the study, does not know tell us in words because they are unconscious reactions.

Neuromarketing is the application of neuroscience to the world of marketing. A discipline of neuroeconomics is not the way. Is here to stay.

Wednesday, March 14

Write on websites XXI century

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Just a few weeks ago I spoke at web design in the twenty-first century what the neuromarketing, thanks to eye-tracking, could contribute to the design of corporate sites. Today I would like to continue on this topic. Start a series of posts to find out how neuromarketing can help the Internet world.

I dedicate this article to how to write text on websites. This is not a subject of neuromarketing, but its dominance is key to a successful website. I would like the series of posts that start to be useful, in addition to providing the latest offering neuromarketing. That's why I decided to speak on this subject. If we read in isolation, this post is out of the theme of the blog, but in conjunction with the above and those to come, I hope to provide clues for a new way of designing online. Also, my first professional steps were in this exciting world, bringing pleasant memories and earlier stages.

Not the same type a text on a corporate website in a blog, a social network or in a newspaper. Although in all those ways is to speak the same subject, the reader expects different information in each medium. In a website is expected to more technical or advertising text (depending on the company), but in a blog or social network is expected to writing based on experience. Also the way of writing is not the same.
If you dedicate a post to each medium on the Internet, the series is endless. As the purpose is not to mention the different forms of writing but what neuromarketing can provide web design business, I will focus on six key writing for corporate websites that I list and describe below:

- SHORT INTRODUCTIONS: When we at the computer all the information you want and more is in our hands at a distance of a click. Why waste time?. If we see something we do not care shut and go to another site. So you have to be clear and make introductions short. The introduction should serve to "hook" the reader and stay to see the rest of the text.

- USE SHORT PHRASES: This advice is related to the previous one. Very long sentences can get bored visitors. In other ways it is advisable to long sentences with detailed descriptions, but for other web. The shorter are the best phrases.

- USE BOLD AND HOLDERS: If the text is too long break it into parts and put a holder on each side. Use also bold to highlight the most important of each section. Thereby although the text may seem long, anyone can read it quickly in response to the headings and bold.

- EXPOSE CLEARLY THE BENEFITS: The corporate websites are intended to report the activity of the company and its products. Discuss each section the competitive advantages the company or the product bring to the market. This is what really matters to the page you have open.

- FAQ: If you wish further information or answer questions, not directly in the product or service description, make it complicated to read. Create a FAQ with common questions and answers. It is a way to give much information, easy to read and organized so that there is to read the entire text to resolve a concern.

- WRITE IN MIND THE TARGET: Do not write thinking of you, or how wonderful your product or service. Type planning to be useful for anyone to read. Identify the recipient of the text and type thinking on what it seeks.

I hope these six tips will be practical. Now that we know how you can help the eye-tracking in web design and some tips for writing practical texts for this, we can begin to analyze, in future posts, which can bring the neuromarketing to Internet world. 

Do you know more keys?, Share this post commenting.

Wednesday, February 29

Sell with heart

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In the post "to sell better," I did an overview of neuromarketing and advertising. In "sell head" I talked about mirror neurons and empathy in the trade visit. Today delve a little deeper into the commercial preparation of the visit. In a future post we will see the first meeting with the client.
Remember, thanks to mirror neurons felt something called empathy. Empathize with another person is mentally identify with your mood. We continue to work prior to the visit. It will prepare us to succeed in many.

Our goal is not to sell. Selling is the consequence, not the end. Our goal is to empathize with the customer.

Before taking the next step we will, as discussed in "sell head," gathered all possible information about the customer. We tried to find out their likes, hobbies and anything that our client, yet potential, put in your life to make it more enjoyable.

We are in the time prior to the visit, the same day in the morning. Recently, we woke up and we get dressed. I like to compare this time with the previous day made by young people (and some not so young) before leaving the party to flirt. When they open the closet Who do these guys think?. They think being handsome and beautiful, but for whom?. For someone who, in many cases, have not seen for the first time. Of course to be handsome or beautiful is no guarantee to flirt, but score points. How many times to leave home in the morning has worn its customers in mind?. As in the example dressing customer considering score points.

I do not speak of awakening physical attraction on the client, talk to dress them in mind. In commercials differentiate ourselves from competition. Dress customers in mind can we go up a rung on the mental positioning. At the end of the day what we want is that we prefer to us rather than competition. If we have done preliminary work to meet customer tastes, maybe we can include on our clothing that day a detail that sparks your attention. A pin, a color ... Something that will remind us when you need to order the product that we carry in our portfolio.

Once dressed thinking of our customers, we rode in the car and .... We fall into depression listening to what the world goes wrong, remember how hard it is to sell and this month probably will not reach targets .... And we went to see the client fully depressed. Perhaps the "deep depression" is a bit exaggerated. But what is certain is that it is very important to empathize attitude. Think of it much more enjoyable a sincere smile a straight face.

It is important to be informed, know what happens in the world in which we live. But the time before seeing the client is it the right time? No more day?.

The music works wonders. The music has a direct influence on our mood. Through the sense of hearing the music involves the whole brain. Alters our heart rate. Serves to encourage us, serves to relax. Used to have a positive attitude before seeing a client. Bring music in your car you like. Make a compilation of songs that you like to dance, sing and put in a good mood. Take it in the car and hear him on the way to commercial visit.

Selling is not an act, is an attitude. Neuromarketing teaches us and shows that our attitude and using emotional intelligence is much easier sell. From now on in addition to selling his head, ... sell to the heart. With the heart we control the mind (emotional intelligence).

NOTE: I write this post listening to background Many shades of black played by Adele and The Raconteurs, ... Song that puts me in a good mood.

Wednesday, February 15

Here smells brand

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Of the five senses that humans have no doubt smell is the most quickly can evoke feelings and emotions.

We could say that for a long time man "has depended on her nose" for survival. Through it we detect spoiled food, the smell we recognize our mother in the first months of life, a pleasant smell of food whets our appetite, ... We categorically declare that the smell was not only a key sense, we might even say it was one of the senses responsible for our survival as a species.

When we smell the odor particles suspended in air they dissolve in the nasal mucosa. Just after the mucosa are the olfactory receptor neurons are able to detect thousands of different odors. These cells transmit odors to the olfactory bulb that communicates directly with our primitive brain, stimulating feelings and memory, and the area of thinking (neocortex). This dual connection described makes the smell in the sense that it is powerful, giving it a high capacity to evoke memories and relive experiences with the mere perception of a particular odor.

In a market like the current one that seeks to reach the customer and make them live a shopping experience when they purchase and consume our products, the role of smell is critical.
Known is the positive effect on sales of a supermarket to have the bakery at the entrance, so the smell of fresh bread fills the surrounding area and invites passersby to enter. But how to convert an odor in a tool for SMEs?.

First, just like we do with the colors or logo, we must define our odotipo and incorporate it into our corporate image. We, by tradition, calling corporate image, but once built the smell the term falls short, I like to use (and intend to): corporate experience. Advanced corporate image or corporate experience should be consistent. Imagine going to a restaurant for a publicity that has been in print with a logo that conveys energy innovation, modernity and originality when it comes to local site is a neglected and very traditional food, are you sure you probably think it was here ?. The pamphlet conveyed an image that is not consistent with the business. The smell, as a corporate experience that is, it must evoke feelings and emotions in line with the business and with other corporate identifiers. So the first step is to locate an odor to complete what they evoke the colors, logo, uniforms, decorations and other elements of corporate experience. In a future article will discuss specific aromas and what they evoke.

Once selected, the smell will determine the way we will be at our installations, and why not, in our salesmen. If there are air fresheners market with the characteristics of our chosen scent, just have to get hold of one and put it in our facilities. It is important to do both in the part that is facing the public and which not. There is no better way to live the corporate customer experience to share with you which we live. To do and live what we live.

 If we can't locate any dresser go to any company that specializes in corporate aromas. For an affordable manufactured and provided us each time we need our dresser. You can also try their luck produced a smell with essences and aromatherapy evaporators available in any store. But remember, the smell is very powerful for good or ill. If in doubt always better to have a specialist in the area is less expensive to pay for the cheap and we get the opposite effect.

Transforming corporate image through corporate experience to incorporate elements like the smell or the music to evolve our company and make companies adapted to changing times, bringing them closer to the customer making them to be reminded every time they hear our music or smell our corporate flavor. Neuromarketing evolves marketing to adapt our companies to consumers in the new century.

Wednesday, February 1

sell head

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Given the acceptance that had the post "To sell better," in which he explained how to use neuromarketing to be better salesmen, and I have been receiving questions about it in different ways in recent weeks, these days I will dig a little more on this topic. Specifically, by popular demand, I'll talk about why it is necessary to know the potential customer before making the visit, in subsequent articles delve into other aspects.

In 1992, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi and Vittorio Gallesse, University of Parma, discovered mirror neurons. They are responsible for empathy and a revolution in neuroscience and neuromarketing.

Mirror neurons are activated when we perform an action and when we see someone do an action. That is, if we see that a person is happy to drive a particular car that our mirror neurons do empathize with the person of the spot, feeling the same way and helping to associate in our minds the idea that driving this car will make us feel good.

The "usefulness" of mirror neurons in the world of advertising is evident in the example above, but why talk about mirror neurons in an article focusing on one aspect of the commercial visit?. I began by saying that: "To sell better," noted the need to find out everything possible about the person we are going to visit. Knowing as much about who he is, his nature, tastes, hobbies, sports he practices, his favorite team, can be a powerful marketing tool if we use for the client to empathize with us.

Many times our offer is similar in products and services to our competitors. Empathy with the customer may be the final weight to tilt the balance of the sale to us. If our offer contains a much higher price or service clearly worse than the competition is difficult to sell through empathy (although not impossible), but it is normal that our offer is in product quality, price and service very similar that of our competitors, which, in this way, we can tip the sale in our favor. Of course, for this to happen we need to know very well, before whom we are going to sit and of course this person is the decision maker to buy. If the person who decides on purchases is not easily accessible, so if we empathize with his assistant or person responsible for coordinating your schedule maybe we can make an appointment. Besides a good source to find out interesting hobbies and tastes of the head.

Previous work on sale is key and even more important than the visit itself, for all we know the person you're going to see us help the commercial visit much more effective and achieve our goal using less time.
Empathy is the most positive support for sale. We need to know hobbies, likes and all that full of happiness to our interlocutor. All this information we will use the visit (or visits) for the sale a success for us.

From now sell head, .... But with the client's head, turning their mirror neurons positively towards us and the product we represent.

Wednesday, January 18

Web designing in the XXI century

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In the XXI century is absolutely imprencisdible have an Internet presence. All companies are aware of this need. Not all, unfortunately, use the Internet as a good sales tool and direct communication with the customer. Almost all companies have web, but not all are a good tool. Like many companies have a presence on social networks, but not all know how to manage them properly.

Focus on the web, for after twenty years of its creation would be expected that the design had reached a reasonable maturity, but nothing is further from the truth. The web has evolved since its creation in 1989 so that any web today has nothing to do with the primitive. This has made us care more for implementing technological advances in designing websites for optimal sites.

Any web design company has creative, programmers, some marketing specialists .... But very few have studied the web as a communication tool to design pages according to how our eye sees and our brain interprets them.

When we talk about "web design", we talk about graphic design applied to the web, to implement the corporate identity in this environment, but we worry that this design takes account of how we see the same page?. The web follow the criteria of brand manual is essential, yes, but have you ever wondered why some pages get bored with a great design and make the user is not interested in the content?. The answer, in many cases, it has not been taken into account how to distribute information and to write the text to make it interesting to the user.

Neuromarketing, thanks to eye-tracking, will help you make sites whose objective generate interest in the user to stay on the web and do not click the close button feared.

The eye-tracking studies the movement of the eye when we surf, providing the necessary information on how the user reads the Web. The key to a good eye-tracking study, allowing us to design a site "friendly" to our potential customer, is that the sample of users over which has made the study is representative and that the site or sites patterns adapt to ours as possible. It's not like the behavior (or expectations) that a user on a website of a newspaper than a shop, although it bears some resemblance.

Given the large amount of websites with similar content offerings really good designs, designing a site thinking not only in the corporate image in the content and functionality but also in how to distribute the content items and design so that the user is comfortable reading, make the difference between one of a number or a place of success. If your website needs sponsorship to survive, neuromarketing will help visitied number and to determine how to distribute advertising for our sponsors have the best return in the least affect the "usability" of the site.

Wednesday, January 4

To sell better

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So far we have discussed different aspects that neuromarketing help. For example to position different elements such as products, trademarks, ... But what about the sellers?, Can neuromarketing help sellers?, ... The answer is yes.

Sellers are, as we know, essential in the sales process. We can not study at a neurological level each person who the seller is going to visit, but we can give some general guidelines on how to act to communicate better than their competitors.

Before the visit, the seller must take care of business motivation and appearance. There are so-called mirror neurons, responsible, among others, empathy. If we come to the meeting with the client pessimistic and not predisposed to sell we will achieve our client select areas that promote the sale. Likewise, the seller's physical appearance is essential. First impressions are crucial and need to be good for the customer is receptive to the rest of the message.

The second step is to diagnose the customer's needs. We have the bad habit of selling our products ourselves saying why would buy that product and we are not all equal. It is essential to find what need fix our product. If we sell parcels is normal that our shipments arrive quickly, on time and in perfect condition. Talking with the client may find out that he hates to pack your products for shipping, if we have the capacity and means to do so, "eureka", we can offer as you get rid of their most hated activity: packing ... And we sent boxes.

The third step is precisely to offer our product as one that covers the need identified. In the example above, once we found out that the client hated packing we offer as "packers" that send goods. In this way we position ourselves as those who will happily free from one of their most hated activities. In this case is secondary to the shipment will arrive on time and in perfect condition. Everyone does it.

When the customer hears a self-centered message does so much more receptive than in other cases.

It is important to note that if the quantifiable benefits we offer is much more effective to offer and quantified. For example, it is much more effective to say: "With our product you will get a 15% improvement in profits" that "will make important improvements in their benefits."